Teachings in English |
13. - 18. MarchMont-Pèlerin, Switzerland
The Great Monlam-Prayer-FestivalFor the 26th time, Rabten Choeling will celebrate the big festival of Monlam prayers. Every day, reading and commentary on a story from the Jataka (past lives of Buddha), followed by three sessions prayers, as well as debates between the monks. In closing of the festivities, the last day will be devoted to a procession of Maitreya. |
21. - 22. MarchMont-Pèlerin, Switzerland
InitiationsGonsar Tulku RinpocheDue to several requests by some disciples, asking since long time, Ven. Gonsar Rinpoche will bestow these initiations according to the following program: Friday 21 March 2025, 9:30 a.m.: White Tara Longlife Initiation Friday 21 March 2025, 2:30 p.m.: Medicine Buddha Initiation Saturday 22 March 2025, 9:30 a.m.: Initiation of Vajrapani - Hayagriva - Garuda in combined form |
21 AprilMont-Pèlerin, Switzerland
HolidaysDuring holidays there are no prayers and no teachings. |
17. - 18. MayDen Haag, Netherlands
The Noble Eightfold PathWeekend course – languages: Tibetan, English, Dutch.The teacher Venerable Geshe Tsültrim The Noble Eightfold Path describes the 8 trainings and actions that we should practice in order to attain Liberation and to end suffering. These 8 trainings are: the right view, the right resolve, the right speech, the right conduct, the right livelihood, the right effort, the right mindfulness and the right concentration. Starting at our own level, we can then proceed to the ultimate completion of these behaviours. Times and location Both days: 10.00 - 12.00 and 14.30 – 17.00Stationsweg 98, 2515 BR Den Haag Language: English and Dutch translation. Fee: € 50, for those with low income: € 10,-.
URL: : www.rabtenjigmeling.nl and https://rabtenjigmeling.blogspot.com |
3. - 25. JuneMont-Pèlerin, Switzerland
Saga Dawa
This year again we will spend some time of the holy month Saga in the most wholesome way possible. From Tuesday 3rd of June to Wednesaday 11th of June we will do an Avalokiteshvara retreat, accumulating OM MANI PADME HUNG Mantras, so that compassion and wisdom may increase. We dedicate the merits in particular for the peace and end of sufferings of all sentient beings in our world. From Friday 13th of June to Wednesday 25th we will have the good fortune to receive teachings on Je Tsongkhapa’s Middle Lamrim from Ven. Gonsar Rinpoche, as a continuation of the teachings given in the years before. |
20. - 27. JulyMont-Pèlerin, Switzerland
International Buddhist Children's weekGonsar Tulku RinpocheA great week for children and youngsters to learn Buddhist ethics and meditations for improving the mind's precious qualities. Under the care of the Venerable Gonsar Rinpoche and many experienced helpers there are teaching and meditation sessions, as well as a great choice of workshops for various crafts, dances, printing of prayer-flags, Tibetan language and script, and much more! There is also plenty of time for play, fun, and picknicks! |
9. - 16. AugustMont-Pèlerin, Switzerland
Summer Meditation WeekGonsar Tulku RinpocheThese summer meditation courses have been started by the Most Venerable Geshe Rabten Rinpoche in 1981 in Les Avants, Switzerland. Since 1986 the Most Venerable Gonsar Rinpoche has continued these teachings every year. It was Geshe Rinpoche's intention to provide disciples seriously interested in an effective practice of Dharma with a week of intensive teachings and meditation in an environment free of distraction, so that they can experience the depth and vastness of Lord Buddha's words, and thus make these a most precious part of their lives. The Seven Points of Meditation Venerable Rinpoche will give explanations on the seven types of essential mediations and introduce all the necessary foundations of thought and practice at the same time. These teachings will be a rare opportunity to encounter the thoughts and methods for a deep and effective practice of Dharma. |
18 AugustMont-Pèlerin, Switzerland
HolidaysDuring holidays there are no prayers and no teachings. |